32: Connie Sobczak on The Body Positive and how to embody self-love
Hi everybody and thank you for listening to episode 32 of the Learn With Lels podcast.
On this episode, I spoke with Connie Sobczak, the founder and executive director of The Body Positive, a non-profit organization that is helping people to love and listen to their bodies and themselves.
In our conversation, Connie and I talked about:
how Connie’s eating disorder and the loss of her sister led to her starting The Body Positive;
the great work that the non-profit does to help people embrace their uniqueness;
how capitalism encourages us to reject our bodies and what we can do to quiet those negative messages;
the connection between activism and being body positive; and
self-love and how it is the game changer that leads to fuller, happier, better lives.
Talking with Connie felt like talking with a wise friend/therapist, and I just feel that our world so needs everything that she and The Body Positive are doing. I hope you get as much out of this conversation as I did, and if you’re looking for more, I highly recommend you follow The Body Positive on social media and that you check out Connie’s book Embody: Learning to Love Your Unique Body (and quiet that critical voice!).
Thanks so much for listening, and I hope you enjoy.
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