

Hi, friends.

You may know that a few years ago I started a blog called Hungry Girl Learns To Cook. I figured it’d be cool to revamp it and bring it back because it was a lot of fun—even though something went wrong with every meal I made.

Unfortunately, there is another Hungry Girl who has a legit-ass website and food that actually turns out. So, I had to change my blog name.

FYI, I am Lels. My mom’s nickname for me is Lelling Tooting Jemo Jemo Qwoong Qwoong Qwang Qwe Woong, or Lels for short. If you don’t believe me, please refer to the video below.

I figured that no one else would have that name, so that’s how Learn with Lels was born. 

Along with cooking, there are other things that I’d like to learn. So often people reach a certain age and then they just stop trying new things. But dang, there is so much to do, and it can be so fun and empowering to learn new skills. So, why stop in elementary school, or high school, or in your 20s, or ever? Amiright?

I recently took swimming lessons. Up until that point I considered myself to be a sinker: just a gal who would always stay by the pool wall. But now I’m able to do lane swims with the best of them, and it actually feels amazing, doing something I thought I would suck at forever.

(Note that I mostly stay on my back, I can’t go without a nose plug, and I always get lapped, but it’s still great.)

So, why stop with swimming? Why not find other things that I’m shit at and conquer them too? And why don’t you try doing the same?

For now I’m going to learn to longboard dance, snowboard, surf, and figure out my life and self. Eventually, I would also love to be a hip hop queen, and I’m sure I’ll come up with more ideas. As well, I’d love to hear about what things you’re going to try!

I hope you decide to stay tuned and learn with Lels. Hehe.
